8D04101 Economics

8D04 Business, management and law(Field of education)
8D041 Business and Management(Direction of training)
D070 Economics(Group of educational programs)


Preparation of scientific, competitive in the Kazakh and international markets – teaching staff with methodological,   research skills  and professional competencies capable of solving scientific and  applied   tasks in the field of economics. 

Formable learning outcomes

  • applies scientific and professional communication technologies related to analytical textual activity, critical assessment of information and the use of digital technologies
  • demonstrates knowledge about scientific schools, their theoretical and practical developments, as well as scientific concepts of world and Kazakhstani science in the field of economics and management
  • makes judgments about modern directions and patterns of development of domestic science in the conditions of globalization and internationalization
  • applies deep specialized professional theoretical knowledge to conduct complex scientific research
  • critically analyzes, evaluates, and synthesizes new and complex ideas, communicating knowledge and achievements to colleagues, the scientific community, and the general public; promoting the development of a knowledge-based society
  • makes a forecast of the main socio-economic indicators of the enterprise and industry, taking into account the positioning of food industry enterprises in the global economic space
  • develops strategy and tactics of crisis management based on the analysis of crisis situations and assessment of the consequences of new phenomena in science, technology and technology, the professional field
  • applies professional knowledge and skills in implementing the objectives of innovative educational policy
  • offers reasonable innovative ways to solve set goals and objectives
  • participates in the work of Kazakh and international research teams to solve scientific, scientific, educational and applied problems; communicating your knowledge and achievements to colleagues, the scientific community and the general public
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